23 May, 2012
JUNE 16- 23 PUBLIC SERVICE WEEK 2012 5K Run, Open House and Public Service Awards Gala
JUNE 16- 23 PUBLIC SERVICE WEEK 2012 5K Run, Open House and Public Service Awards Gala Public Service Week will be celebrated on June 16 -23 this year with three major events coordinated by the Ministry of Public Administration (MPA)- a 5K Run, a Public Service Open House and a Gala Ceremony, “From Gold To Diamond” honouring 50 Public Officers, nominated by the public, who have served the nation with distinction. Event 1: 5k Run: Employees from the entire public service and their families will take part in a 5k run on Saturday June 16, 2012 at the Queens Park Savannah from 3:00pm – 6:00pm. The activity focuses the Public Service on “Healthy Lifestyles” and will launch the week of activities. Event 2: Open House: The Open House is a designed to encourage interaction between the public-atlarge as consumers of government services and other stakeholders, especially the public at large who are consumers of these services. The Open House will be held at the Waterfront Esplanade, Port-of-Spain June 18–22, 2012 (except for June 19, which is a public holiday) and on Harris Promenade, San Fernando on June 20, 2012 only. The Open House will showcase different public sector entities, their history, present services, plans and achievements. Similar ventures will continue during the year as the Open House concept will be rolled-out in other parts of the country. Event 3: Gala Ceremony – ‘From Gold to Diamond’: This is the high-point of the week of celebration and will take place on Public Service Day, Saturday June 23, 2012, at the Hilton Hotel. ‘From Gold to Diamond’ will honor the 50th Anniversary of the Public Service by recognizing and rewarding public officers who have served the nation with distinction over the past fifty years. It will also emphasize the Government’s vision for moving the Public Service forward, specifically the modernisation of the human resource architecture of the public service as it evolves over the next ten years. Nomination is open to all and forms can be found on www.mpa.gov.tt -END
For further information contact: Deniece Serrette, Communications Services Coordinator (Internal) Corporate Communications Division, Ministry of Public Administration Tel: 625-6111 extension 2086 E-mail: serrettede@mpa.gov.tt
23 May, 2012
JUNE 16- 23 PUBLIC SERVICE WEEK 2012 5K Run, Open House and Public Service Awards Gala
JUNE 16- 23 PUBLIC SERVICE WEEK 2012 5K Run, Open House and Public Service Awards Gala Public Service Week will be celebrated on June 16 -23 this year with three major events coordinated by the Ministry of Public Administration (MPA)- a 5K Run, a Public Service Open House and a Gala Ceremony, “From Gold To Diamond” honouring 50 Public Officers, nominated by the public, who have served the nation with distinction. Event 1: 5k Run: Employees from the entire public service and their families will take part in a 5k run on Saturday June 16, 2012 at the Queens Park Savannah from 3:00pm – 6:00pm. The activity focuses the Public Service on “Healthy Lifestyles” and will launch the week of activities. Event 2: Open House: The Open House is a designed to encourage interaction between the public-atlarge as consumers of government services and other stakeholders, especially the public at large who are consumers of these services. The Open House will be held at the Waterfront Esplanade, Port-of-Spain June 18–22, 2012 (except for June 19, which is a public holiday) and on Harris Promenade, San Fernando on June 20, 2012 only. The Open House will showcase different public sector entities, their history, present services, plans and achievements. Similar ventures will continue during the year as the Open House concept will be rolled-out in other parts of the country. Event 3: Gala Ceremony – ‘From Gold to Diamond’: This is the high-point of the week of celebration and will take place on Public Service Day, Saturday June 23, 2012, at the Hilton Hotel. ‘From Gold to Diamond’ will honor the 50th Anniversary of the Public Service by recognizing and rewarding public officers who have served the nation with distinction over the past fifty years. It will also emphasize the Government’s vision for moving the Public Service forward, specifically the modernisation of the human resource architecture of the public service as it evolves over the next ten years. Nomination is open to all and forms can be found on www.mpa.gov.tt -END
For further information contact: Deniece Serrette, Communications Services Coordinator (Internal) Corporate Communications Division, Ministry of Public Administration Tel: 625-6111 extension 2086 E-mail: serrettede@mpa.gov.tt